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Game Designer, Animator
My name is Jeremy Millar. I come from Christchurch and have been living in Wellington since 2016. In the past year I have developed a passion for game design, specifically in animation. I was the lead animator in a student team based game development paper. As well as this I assisted students a year above me in their game project with successful results. Ever since I was a kid I’ve had a passion for video games, and knew I wanted to work in the creative industry. I also like to tell stories and collaborate with likeminded people. I don’t keep any of my ideas close to my chest; in the sense that I will actively tell people my ideas and if they take that idea and make something new or better, I will run with it and encourage evolution of ideas. Plainly put, I have no problem with compromise. I have dabbled in sound work in the past, doing the majority of sound related tasks on two university projects. I have worked in three university projects that have been transmedia related and enjoy working on stories that transcend just one media platform.
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